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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Comparison of Adjectives or Degree

reca online bd

Definition: Comparison of Adjectives means any general transformation or change of adjectives. And Degree of Comparison means comparative transformation or change of Adjectives.

Classifications: There are 3 types of Degree of Comparison.

  1. Positive: It expresses any general quality of a person.
  2. Comparative: It compares between two persons. In this type of sentences, the adjectives are preceded by er or more.
  3. Superlative: It compares between more than two persons. In this type of sentences, the adjectives are preceded by est or most.

Rules of Changing the Degree of Comparison:

Rule - 01: 

[Pos: (no other) - Com: (than any/all other) - Sup: (the + adjective)]


  1. Positive: No other + extension + verb + so/as + adjective (Positive form) + as + Subject
  2. Comparative: Subject + verb + adjective (Comparative form) + than any/all other + extension
  3. Superlative: Subject + verb + the + adjective (Superlative form) + extension
  1. Positive: No other boy in the class is as smart as he.
  2. Comparative: He is smarter than any other boy in the class.
  3. Superlative: He is the smartest boy in the class.

Rule - 02: 

[Pos: (very few) - Com: (than most other) - Sup: (one of the + adjective)]


  1. Positive: Very few + extension + verb + so/as + adjective (Positive form) + as + Subject
  2. Comparative: Subject + verb + adjective (Comparative form) + than most other + extension
  3. Superlative: Subject + verb + one of the + adjective (Superlative form) + extension
  1. Positive: Very few animals are so useful as the cow.
  2. Comparative: The cow is more useful than most other animals.
  3. Superlative: The cow is more useful than most other animals.

Rule - 03: 

[Pos: ( - Com: (not less/more....than)]


  1. Positive: Subject + verb + as +  adjective (Positive form) + as + noun/extension
  2. Comparative: Subject + verb + not less/more +  adjective (Positive form) + than + noun/extension
  1. Positive: Jack is as wise as Sam.
  2. Comparative: Jack is not less wise than Sam.

Rule - 04: 

[Pos: (not - Com: (less....than/than)]


  1. Positive: Subject + verb + not as +  adjective (Positive form) + as + noun/extension
  2. Comparative: Subject + verb + less +  adjective (Positive form) + than + noun/extension or Object/Extension + verb + adjective (Comparative form) + than + Subject
  1. Positive: Jack is not as wise as Sam.
  2. Comparative: Jack is less wise than Sam or Sam is wiser than Jack.

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